Duane Arthur has extensive experience in final mix and sound design for Film, TV, Radio, Web and Corporate Events. Some of his previous works include: National Geographic, Palmolive, Samsung, Colgate, The Pro Shop, MTN, Cell C, Mazda, LG, Pantene, Outsurance, Clientele, Pampers, Peroni, Audi, VW, Standard Bank, The Loerie Awards and many more…
Pacific Rim (Sound Redesign)
For demo use only and in no way suggests contributions to the originl film.
All rights retained by the copyright holders.
Loerie Awards Gold (Live Event)
Loerie Awards Bronze (Live Event)
Loerie Awards Water Silver (Live Event)
ABSA SLG (Live Event)
Vodacom (Live Event)
Gillette (TV Commercial)
Ingrams (TV Commercial)
Mazda CX5 (TV Commercial)
National Geographic (TV Commercial)
All clips courtesy of Howard Music, except ABSA SLG courtesy of Mann Made Media
(Radio Drama Series)
Absaville: 3 Sample Clips (Absa) Recording | Sound Design | Editing | Mixing |
When Death Calls
(Radio Drama Series)
When Death Calls: 3 Sample Clips (Old Mutual) Recording | Sound Design | Editing | Mixing |
Makarapa City
(Radio Drama Series)
Makarapa City: 3 Sample Clips (Anglo American) Recording | Sound Design | Editing | Mixing |